About the Collection
The mission of the Local Author Collection is to connect local authors with their community and their local library. The collection features established authors as well as new and emerging writers, and includes both traditionally published and self-published books. The collection supports community engagement with the arts and highlights local artistic and entrepreneurial achievement.
In conjunction with the Local Author Collection, CCM periodically hosts public events featuring local authors. Local Author Collection events are advertised on CCM’s website and social media, CCM’s bimonthly newsletter, and in other local publications.
The Local Author Collection and related events are sponsored in part by the Collage Giving Fund.
Submission Guidelines
In order to be considered for inclusion in the Local Author Collection, the following criteria must be met:
- Authors must live or work in CCM’s service area: Edgewood, Forest Hills, Braddock Hills, Churchill, Wilkins Township and Regent Square.
- Self-published books must be donated. Traditionally published books are encouraged to be donated, but may be considered for purchase by CCM under the collection development policy.
- Hardcover editions are preferred if available. All book submissions must be professionally bound (not stapled or spiral-bound), with the exception of poetry chapbooks.
- Submissions must be books. The Local Author Collection does not include other media types at this time.
- Submission of this form does not guarantee acceptance. All submissions will be reviewed under CCM’s collection development policy. Materials not accepted will be returned to the author.
- Books in the Local Author Collection are subject to the same standards as any other library material. Books in the Local Author Collection are the property of CCM and cannot be returned to the author. Books in the Local Author Collection that are discarded, lost or withdrawn are not automatically replaced.
- The Local Author Collection is located at CCM Edgewood only. Applications cannot be accepted at CCM Forest Hills, and no books will be added to the CCM Forest Hills collection.
Please contact Erin Pierce, Library Director, at 412-731-0909 or piercee@einetwork.net