Adult Programs & Events

Adult Programs & Events

Check out some of our events and programs geared toward adults this spring at C.C. Mellor!

For a complete list of upcoming programs, visit the library events calendar.


Knitting Group

Second Wednesdays at 6 p.m. at CCM Edgewood | Fourth Wednesdays at 6 p.m. on Zoom 

No registration required

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 204 142 753

Love yarn? Want to knit with others? Join us online for stitching and conversation! The group meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at 6:00 PM.

Forest Hills Social Hour

Come join us at CCM Forest Hills for a weekly social hour for older adults! We’ll meet weekly on Thursdays from 2 to 3 p.m. and enjoy coffee and tea while chatting with neighbors and friends.

The Flivver bus is now running on Thursdays! To find more information about this service check out the Forest Hills website or call 412-519-3955.

Conversation Salon

Note: Beginning in October, the Conversation Salon is changing their meeting date to the second Tuesday of the month, and they will meet in the Community Room beside the library in the Forest Hills borough building.

Second Monday of each month at 10 a.m. in the Westinghouse Lodge

799 Barclay Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15221 (next to CCM Forest Hills)

Facilitator: Rick Boyle,

Do you enjoy stimulating conversation? Join us once a month as we gather together to discuss interesting topics and share ideas. Conversation salons are face-to-face discussions among people who are interested in sharing thoughts, information and opinions about the meaningful events of our own experiences, our community and the world at large.

Clutterers Anonymous

 Clutterers Anonymous is a 12 Step Fellowship of individuals who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other, that they may solve their common problem with clutter and help each other to recover. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop cluttering. Please join us — we meet in a supportive judgment free zone.

Every Monday 6:30-7:45 p.m. on Zoom.


Meeting ID is:841 4877 0537

Password is:602753

Audio only: 1(929) 205-6099  If you call in on this number, you will be asked to enter the meeting ID followed by the password. 

Book Clubs

C.C. Mellor is home to three book clubs, each with their own theme and meeting location. There are no requirements to join any group, but you can contact the facilitator for more information on each group. If you need help acquiring the book for any group, ask a staff member at any branch, and they’ll help you order one to your preferred pickup location.

Rainbow Readers Book Club

A book club that’s dedicated to creating a queer space in public libraries.

We’ll be reading primarily queer stories and/or stories written by queer authors and/or queer characters. 

Our book rotation will follow the colors of the rainbow while we celebrate all things LGBTQAI+ all year round!

▼ Click here to view our book schedule.
9/17/12Simon vs. The Homosapien’s AgendaBecky Abertalli
10/22/24Felix Ever AfterKacen Callender
11/19/24The Song of AchillesMadeline Miller
12/17/24LunaJulie Anne Peters
1/21/25Hell Followed With UsJoseph White
2/18/25Under the Whispering DoorTJ Klune
3/18/25PetAkwaeke Emezi

Drop Dead Book Club

First Wednesdays at 7 p.m. at CCM Edgewood

1 Pennwood Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15218

Since 2003, the Drop Dead Book Club has read a mystery every month. The atmosphere is informal.  The group has a facilitator/record keeper but not a discussion leader.  Books are chosen by consensus. 

▼ Click here to view our book schedule.
10/2/24Thirty Days of DarknessJenny Lundy/Megan Turney
11/6/24Malice: A Mystery (The Kyoichiro Kaga Series, 1)Keigo Higashino
12/4/24Blackwater Falls: A Thriller (Blackwater Falls Series, 1)Ausma Zehanat Khan
1/8/25The Framed Women of Ardemore HouseBrandy Schillance
2/5/25All the Sinners BleedS.A. Cosby
3/5/25We Know You Remember: A Mystery Novel (The High Coast Series, 1)Tove Alsterdal
4/2/25Lighseekers (A Philip Taiwo Mystery, 1)Femi Kayode
5/7/25The Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra (A Baby Ganesh Agency Investigation, 1)Vaseem Khan
6/4/25A Murder In Time: A NovelKendra Donovan Mysteries

For a complete list of upcoming books and meeting dates, please visit the Drop Dead Book Club website. Please create an account to be invited to the club’s page.

Fourth Tuesday Book Club

Fourth Tuesdays at 1 p.m. at CCM Forest Hills.

4400 Greensburg Pike, Pittsburgh, PA 15221

The 4th Tuesday Book Club reads books on a wide variety of subjects and genres: fiction and nonfiction, classic and contemporary. Join us for lively discussions on–you guessed it–the 4th Tuesday of every month in the Community Room beside the CCM Forest Hills Library.

Click here to download a list of past Book Club selections.

▼ Click here to view our book schedule.

JanuaryWhen Smoke Ran Like WaterDevra Lee Davis
FebruaryCloud Cuckoo LandAnthony Doerr
MarchThe Splendid and the VileErik Larson
AprilDemon CopperheadBarbara Kingsolver
MayDiffer We MustSteven Inskeep
JuneFree Food for BillionairesMin Jin Lee
JulyKiller of the Flower MoonDavid Grann
AugustHorseGeraldine Brooks
SeptemberRiver of DoubtCandice Miller
OctoberMissing HeartsCeleste Ng
NovemberAmerican SirensKevin Hazzard
DecemberLessons in ChemistryBonnie Garmus

Great Outdoors Book Club

Last Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.

Contact: Erin Pierce,

Fellow Adventures: Join us for our NEW monthly book club!

Each month, we will set off a literary journey to discover uncharted lands and thrilling adventures.

Our first meeting will be January 31 – All are welcome!

Jan 31CCM EdgewoodThe End of Night: Searching for Natural Darkness in an Age of Artificial LightPaul Bogard
Feb 26CCM EdgewoodTBA
Mar 263Rivers Outdoor Co.TBA
Apr 303Rivers Outdoor Co.TBA


Check out our fall events below!